
How can a natural and destructive event such as a flood be managed? People have been trying to prevent flooding since almost the beginning of time. Dams, dikes, walls and levees have been built to keep floods from destroying towns and cities. Homes and business have tried to take precautions in limiting flood damage.

Since the late-20th century, local, state and federal governments have been working together to limit future flood damage. Local flood and building ordinances and surveys completed by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) aid municipal leaders in preventing flood damage for new and existing structures.

Floodplain Management Purpose

The PA Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED) has been delegated by FEMA (part of the US Department of Homeland Security) to manage the program within the state. Since the late 1990s, DCED has asked PA conservation districts to help with the educational aspects of the program.

The Snyder County Conservation District had worked with the PA State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) in its floodplain management assistance program under an agreement. With assistance from DCED, the Conservation District aided municipal leaders in determining the adequacy of ordinances dealing with floodplains.

If a flood occurs, municipal leaders must have some basic ordinances and other items in place in order for their residents to become eligible for FEMA monies. Even if federal monies were not involved, trying to limit damages from a flood to person and property just makes sense.

Since 1999, the Snyder County Conservation District met with municipal leaders from all the county’s boroughs and townships at least once. Conservation District staff assisted municipal leaders and made suggestions on how to update their floodplain ordinances, follow permitting procedures, and other requirements for FEMA and state regulations.

Floodplain information can be provided by municipalities throughout the county. Additional resources can be obtained for individual and municipal use from DCED’s Governor’s Center for Local Government Services at 1-888-223-6837. The Snyder County Conservation District also has some materials.

Note: Municipalities and landowners are responsible in determining which portions of properties are within FEMA designated floodplains.

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